About Delta Exchange India

Delta Exchange India is a platform for trading derivatives that have cryptocurrencies/ cryptoassets as their underlying. We currently offer:

  • Options: European call and put options on BTC and ETH.

  • Perpetual contracts: Perpetual contracts futures on Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) and several prominent altcoins. Unlike futures contracts that have a fixed expiry date, perpetual contracts do not expire.

The following are the salient features of trading crypto F&O on Delta Exchange India:

  • 24/ 7/ 365 Trading: Unlike traditional stock markets, crypto markets never close. Continuous trading obviates price gaps and also allows for more trading opportunities.

  • Daily expiries: We offer daily expiries in both BTC and ETH options which results in more trading opportunities

  • Efficient margining scheme: At Delta Exchange India, we leverage advanced risk management techniques to enable more efficient margining compared to traditional exchanges. This enables your to take bigger trades with less capital

  • Deposit INR, withdraw INR: You don't need to own/ hold crypto to trade on Delta Exchange India. You can deposit INR. Use it as margin for your trading and withdraw INR. You are getting exposure to cryptoassets without any direct contact with these assets.

  • Efficient from tax perspective: Cryrpto related taxes in India come into picture when there is an exchange of crypto for INR or crypto for another crypto. On Delta Exchange India, you never really interact with crypto. Your balances and unrealised profits always remain in INR and hence, the 1% TDS and 30% flat tax on profits is not applicable. Moreover, offsetting of losses in also allowed.

  • Margin and settlement currency: All contracts on Delta Exchange India are notionally quoted, margined and settled in USD. However, (a) the USD-INR rate on the platform is fixed and (b) your balances are always maintained in INR and no INR/ USD conversion ever takes place. This means that all contracts on Delta Exchange India are effectively being margined and settled in INR.

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